Tuesday, November 16, 2004

And so it continues

The battle over evolution being taught in schools.

What's next? Are we going to re-explain dinosaurs?

1) What the HELL happened to separation of Church and State? It shouldn't EVEN be a question about teaching religious 'theories' in public schools. If you want your kids to learn religious doctrine, either take them to church or send them to a private school. Catholic schools are still pretty popular.

2) Good Christians don't try to PROVE what's written in the Bible. That's why they have FAITH (raised Catholic, you didn't question, you just kept your faith). All these societies that try to find scientific basis for what's written in the Bible are ridiculous. Did they miss the whole definition of what Faith is suppose to be? They shouldn't need to prove what they believe, they should just believe. If their faith is that shakey, they need to reexamine their choice of religion.


Blogger Steve said...

not to mention that claiming that creationsim is one theory that scientists have advanced along with evolution is to distort the picture. there are- what? a bazillion?- evolutionists for every creationist (or intelligent designer).
It's kind of like saying that astrology/remote viewing/telekenesis/etc. are as valid in the scientific world as their scientific counterparts just because there are a few people who advance something like a scientific explaination of how they work.

10:30 PM  

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