Monday, October 31, 2005

So, yeah, I took a little break

I needed it.

The move was horrendous. Three days of scheduled movers and three days of them not showing up or not showing up on time. Three flights of stairs, 29 boxes of books - that's why we hired movers. Even when Jeremy and I were moving the smaller stuff in my legs gave out going up the stairs to the new place. That point where you are 4 steps from the tops and your thighs just won't take weight anymore.

I quit my job at the library. The "you're not suppose to talk to the patrons" comment was really the final straw. The "please don't schedule me for weekday afternoons" and then working an entire month of weekday afternoons was just the nails in the coffin.

This past October 13th I turned 30. I did not deal well with this. My mom took me clothes shopping shortly there after, and I found myslef thinking "I can't shop in the juniors section anymore, I'm 30." So I proceeded to shop in the grown up section and was reminded why I shop in the juniors section. Frock-coat style cardigan in grown up section: $85; frock-coat style cardigan in juniors section: $25; having to buy large and extra-large junior sizes because my boobs are too big (is this supposed to button?): priceless. [For those who did not know me before I met Jeremy and got healthy, I used to wear juniors sizes small and 0. Often those sizes were too big.]

I've been mostly comfort reading, so it's stuff I'm not going to review. I've got a small To Be Read pile built up, which I will probably start on this week sometime. I've also gone back to playing World of Warcraft, which is still addictive, but more under control than it was last year.

Oh, one last thing. My GYN doctor has officially told me that getting pregnant will probably be helpful to my chronic girly issues. He's encouraging us to hurry up and get moving on that front. -.-