Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I may be going back to retail

For various reasons, most of them involving money, I dropped off a resume at a B&N over the weekend. According to hotjobs they are looking for department managers and assistant managers. While I could do both jobs blind-folded I still had shivers at the thought of returning to retail let alone going over to the BIG ENEMY. The one I applied at is much further than I am comfortable driving, but I'm not sure what distance I would be comfortable driving seeing as how I have not driven since I past my driving test in December. I also had the dawning realization in the car ride on the way home that I had applied for a management postion THREE MONTHS BEFORE A NEW HARRY POTTER BOOK COMES OUT. Jeremy laughed at me.
The library gig isn't really panning out. They are in a major deficit. Last I heard they were going to have to cut huge amounts of money from the payroll budget and they don't think they will be able to be open on weekends during the summer. I don't know what will actually happen as the library is still in negociations with the town, but I have little hope. There is also a huge bias in my state against folks working in libraries without masters degrees. I am just not prepared for spending that much time and money getting a degree when the current library jobs are paying about as much as retail and they are not offering benefits. It's pathetic.


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