Saturday, April 09, 2005

Dear Customer Service

I am contacting you regarding my desire to return to you the past two days. I was extremely dissatisfied with their content and I have decided that I do not wish to keep them.

Day one's, Thursday April 7, content revolved around the death of one of my cats, Banshee. It was the culmination of the better part of a week fighting for her life. The vet could not diagnose with certainty why she became so ill so quickly. We at first thought she had an infection and treated her accordingly, with rest and antibiotics. By Wednesday she had developed a fever of 106, was refusing to eat or drink, and was reluctant to even move. We brought her home Wednesday night in a last ditch effort to reduce her temperature and get fluids into her. By late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning her temperature was reduced to 102 and she was willing to drink chicken broth. We thought we had succeeded. On Thursday (the day I wish to return) all the progress we had made was for naught. She again refused to take any sustenance, her fever began to go back up and we began to notice her twitching...eventually tensing and relaxing as if she were being hit with waves of pain. She was no longer opening her eyes and was not acknowledging our presence. There was nothing more we could do for her. At 8:40 P.M. Thursday night we took her to the vet's one last time. She did not come home with us.
Day two that I wish to return was the day of my latest surgery, Friday April 8. It began with waking up with extremely sore eyes as I had been weeping a great deal the day before and the realization that I had been clenching my jaw all night and was now in pain from it. I was due at the hospital at 9:30 A.M. It was very crowded, apparently Fridays are busy surgery days. As a result I sat in my little cubicle, in my johnny, with Jeremy desperately tring to keep me from bolting, from 9:30 until almost noon. By this time I had a bad tension headache. Since I had fainted last time I had surgery from shear terror, they allowed me to bring Jeremy with me to the prep area, where they insert the IV and begin the anesthesia. The IV continues to be my bane. Despite having an amazingly kind anesthesiologist, it still did not go well. Multiple attempts were made and I was reduced to a whimpering ball. The medicine given to me to "calm me down" did not seem to have any affect at all, and I did not stop crying until I was fully out. I woke up with wet ears as if I had been crying while lying on my back. I was fairly disturbed by this. To my knowledge, they did not find anything to be concerned about. My hand where the IV was inserted hurts more than my belly. But I am very tired.

I fully realize that there is a "No Refunds" policy. That is acceptable to me. I simply wish to return these days and you can do with them as you wish. I just don't want them.

Thank you,


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